Finally almost done! This week I cleaned up almost all the code, I have left a tiny bit from the old system.
After that, it was time to add some variance to the game. I decided that the way to go was to mostly tie it to damage done: I made the damage a range instead of a static value. Then I gave all units a Cooldown Reduction value: eveytime they hit or get hit their abilities cooldown get reduced by that amount. Finally, to make things a bit more varied I decided to multiply the CDR value by a percentage of the damage done/dealt relative to the possible max damage. All this should prevent units of the same type to always cast their spell at the same time, and therefore make the gameplay a bit more interesting and entertaining.
Final Touches
For a couple final touches, after porting the enemies to the new systems, I gave a couple of them spells.
The End
Well, that’s it for the year, and probably for the project too for a while (maybe). It’s been tons of fun!